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文部科学省外国人留学生学習奨励費 / Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship

お知らせ / Notice



【Updated on April 1, 2024】
◆We have posted the latest application guidelines for students who have "Reservation Notice" from JASSO.
For those who are applicable, please check the necessary procedures and deadlines.
◆We have posted the application guidelines for the "International Student Job Search Support" (April 1 version).
International students who wish to work in Japan after graduation and are in their third or fourth year of undergraduate studies at the time of application can only apply.

2024年度文部科学省外国人留学生学習奨励費の募集について [予約枠]

Application for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship AY2024 [for Reserved Students]

予約枠決定通知書を持っているか、大学から推薦の連絡があった学生のみが応募できます。Those who have Reservaton Notice for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship or being infomred of nomination by University can apply.

2024年度文部科学省外国人留学生学習奨励費の募集について [留学生就職支援特別枠] 

Application for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship AY2024 [International Student Job Search Support]

よくある質問集/Frequently Asked Questions


国際教育事務室 / International Student Office


When sending an inquiry e-mail, please include "Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship" in the subject line.