お知らせ / Notice
【Updated on April 1, 2024】
◆We have posted the latest application guidelines for students who have "Reservation Notice" from JASSO.
For those who are applicable, please check the necessary procedures and deadlines.
For those who are applicable, please check the necessary procedures and deadlines.
◆We have posted the application guidelines for the "International Student Job Search Support" (April 1 version).
International students who wish to work in Japan after graduation and are in their third or fourth year of undergraduate studies at the time of application can only apply.
2024年度文部科学省外国人留学生学習奨励費の募集について [予約枠]
Application for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship AY2024 [for Reserved Students]
予約枠決定通知書を持っているか、大学から推薦の連絡があった学生のみが応募できます。Those who have Reservaton Notice for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship or being infomred of nomination by University can apply.
- ■2024年度学習奨励費(予約枠)募集要項
- ■応募の手引き
- ■Application Guidelines (for Reserved Students) AY2024
- ■How to Apply
2024年度文部科学省外国人留学生学習奨励費の募集について [留学生就職支援特別枠]
Application for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship AY2024 [International Student Job Search Support]
- ■2024年度学習奨励費(留学生就職支援特別枠)募集要項
- 2024年4月1日公開
- 卒業後に日本国内での就職を希望している外国人留学生で、申請時点で学部3年生、もしくは学部4年生の学生のみが対象です。
- ■Application Guidelines (International Student Job Search Support) AY2024
- Posted on April 1 2024
- International students who wish to work in Japan after graduation and are in their third or fourth year of undergraduate studies at the time of application can only apply.
よくある質問集/Frequently Asked Questions
- 質問を送る前に、必ず質問集を確認し、既にある質問と同一の質問は避けてください。
- Please be sure to check the webpage before asking questions to avoid repetition of questions already answered on the webpage.
- お問い合わせ先
国際教育事務室 / International Student Office
When sending an inquiry e-mail, please include "Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship" in the subject line.