クエク,マーリ 特任准教授 QUEK Mary
(担当科目) ホスピタリティ・マネジメント論 / (Lecture) Hospitality Management Studies
(開講言語) 英語 / (Language) English
■演習テーマ / Theme
“Perceptions of host communities and visitors in Japanese tourism development”
Japan tourism development has experienced an exponential growth in the past years. The hosting of Rugby World Cup (2019), Olympics in Tokyo (2020) and World Expo in Osaka (2025) are expected to escalate further growth in tourist arrival. As in all tourism development, a sustainable industry is essential to support the economic activities of the country. Local communities’ perceptions of tourists and their participation in tourism development are essential to drive a sustainable growth. This course furnishes students with greater understanding of tourism as an increasingly important economic activity for Japan, in addition to the need to mitigate any negative impacts as an outcome of such growth.
■授業内容 / Activities
The activities enable students to gain first-hand experience in data collection and analysis and enhance their critical thinking and writing skills. Depending on how the COVID-19 situation evolves, students will have the opportunities to refine their interactive skills by meeting people from all walks of life.
<4年次/ 4th Year>
Students have the option of extending their project from the previous year, or start a new one. The extended project must relate to academic debates that are relevant to the topic under discussion.