2024年度ガイダンス/Guidance for AY 2024
(1)2024年度国際日本学部シラバス<講義内容及び授業計画> / Academic Year 2024 SGJS Syllabus <Course Descriptions and Lesson Plans>
Any changes in the contents of the Syllabus will be mentioned in "Syllabus Supplement" in the Oh-Meiji Classweb.
(2) 2024年度国際日本学部<履修の手引き>/ AY2024 English Track Course Registration Handbook
(3) 国際日本学部カリキュラムマップ/ SGJS Curriculum Map
(4) 各学部・共通科目のシラバスはこちら
Please see the Syllabi of other faculties and inter-faculty programs here:
Any changes in the contents of the Syllabus will be mentioned in "Syllabus Supplement" in the Oh-Meiji Classweb.
(2) 2024年度国際日本学部<履修の手引き>/ AY2024 English Track Course Registration Handbook
(3) 国際日本学部カリキュラムマップ/ SGJS Curriculum Map
(4) 各学部・共通科目のシラバスはこちら
Please see the Syllabi of other faculties and inter-faculty programs here:
時間割表/Class Schedule
(1)2024年度国際日本学部時間割表 / 2024年度国際日本学部フルオンデマンド授業時間割表
Changes on the schedule will be notified through Oh-o!Meiji system.
(1)2024年度国際日本学部時間割表 / 2024年度国際日本学部フルオンデマンド授業時間割表
(2)Class Schedule: AY2024 School of Global Japanese Studies <For English Track Students> / SGJS On-demand Class Schedule for AY2024
For SGJS students: If you wish to register for courses in other faculties, please register during the web registration period for SGJS students in April. You can only take the courses you see in the web resgistration system.
For SGJS students: If you wish to register for courses in other faculties, please register during the web registration period for SGJS students in April. You can only take the courses you see in the web resgistration system.
Graduation requirements may be different depending on the year of admission. Please refer to the Catalog of the year you enrolled.
Graduation requirements may be different depending on the year of admission. Please refer to the Catalog of the year you enrolled.