明治大学国際日本学部 演習(ゼミナール)紹介
ヴァシリューク,スヴェトラーナ 教授 VASSILIOUK, Svetlana
(担当科目) 国際関係論 / (Lecture) International Relations
ヴァシリューク,スヴェトラーナ 教授 VASSILIOUK, Svetlana
(担当科目) 国際関係論 / (Lecture) International Relations
(開講言語) 英語 / (Language) English
■演習テーマ / Theme
“Japan’s contemporary foreign relations in the Indo-Pacific Region (the IPR)”
This seminar offers lectures, discussions, and readings on the topic of “Japan’s contemporary foreign relations in the Indo-Pacific Region (the IPR),” while reflecting on the history, policy foundations, and contentious aspects of Japan’s relations with the region’s major nations.
During the two years in this seminar, students will prepare summaries, short reports, and news analyses pertaining to the topics covered in class, in addition to participating in field trips and attending public talks. At the end of the 4th year, students are expected to write and present in class their final research paper (thesis) covering one of the controversial and/or unresolved issues in Japan’s foreign relations in the IPR.
This seminar offers lectures, discussions, and readings on the topic of “Japan’s contemporary foreign relations in the Indo-Pacific Region (the IPR),” while reflecting on the history, policy foundations, and contentious aspects of Japan’s relations with the region’s major nations.
During the two years in this seminar, students will prepare summaries, short reports, and news analyses pertaining to the topics covered in class, in addition to participating in field trips and attending public talks. At the end of the 4th year, students are expected to write and present in class their final research paper (thesis) covering one of the controversial and/or unresolved issues in Japan’s foreign relations in the IPR.
■授業内容 / Activities
<3年次 / 3rd Year>
This seminar will begin with an overview of Japan’s history of foreign relations in the Asia-Pacific, providing students with the historical frameworks for explaining and understanding various issues in Japan’s contemporary foreign policy. The seminar lectures, discussions, and readings will focus on a variety of core topics, such as Japan’s participation in major military conflicts of the 19th-early 20th centuries; the Pacific War (1937-1945) and its legacy in Japan and abroad, focusing on war remembrance and reconciliation; and other key issues in Japan’s relations with the key nations in the IPR.
<4年次 / 4th Year>
The seminar will continue tracking key issues in Japan’s contemporary relations with the key nations in the IPR, while paying special attention to the rise of China and the impact of the declining power of the US in regional and global affairs. In preparation for the seminar’s final research project, students will study the origins, the history of negotiations, the current state, and the prospects for the settlement of the most contentious issues in Japan’s foreign relations in the IPR.
This seminar will begin with an overview of Japan’s history of foreign relations in the Asia-Pacific, providing students with the historical frameworks for explaining and understanding various issues in Japan’s contemporary foreign policy. The seminar lectures, discussions, and readings will focus on a variety of core topics, such as Japan’s participation in major military conflicts of the 19th-early 20th centuries; the Pacific War (1937-1945) and its legacy in Japan and abroad, focusing on war remembrance and reconciliation; and other key issues in Japan’s relations with the key nations in the IPR.
<4年次 / 4th Year>
The seminar will continue tracking key issues in Japan’s contemporary relations with the key nations in the IPR, while paying special attention to the rise of China and the impact of the declining power of the US in regional and global affairs. In preparation for the seminar’s final research project, students will study the origins, the history of negotiations, the current state, and the prospects for the settlement of the most contentious issues in Japan’s foreign relations in the IPR.