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エリス.サラ K. Ellis Sara K.

エリス.サラ K. Ellis Sara K.
職格 特任講師
学位 Master of Arts, Humanites/ Master of Teaching, English Education
研究業績等 教員データベース
専攻分野(研究分野) Japanese and American pop culture, Manga and Anime/Elementary and Secondary English Education


My main research interests are the intersection between academic and creative writing, genre as code switching, and storytelling as a way to improve writing skills and overall language acquisition.


creative writing, manga, Japanese and American pop culture


講義概要をさらに詳しく見る(Oh-o!Meiji System)



You're going to encounter many challenges and opportunities at university. Work hard and not only will you improve your English skills, but you'll also discover abilities you never thought you had. Your best effort will always shine!


“Manifest Trashscape: Transmetropolitan as Post, Post-Western”,Shot in the Face, Sequart Research and Literacy Organization.pp. 83-90. “Something Like Feminism: Female Intimacy in the Manga of Kyoko Okazaki,”Co-authored with Yuka kanno, Global Japanese Studies Review, Vol. 3 No. 1. pp. 101-108. “Culinary Utopianism: Digesting Inequality in Juzo Itami’s Tampopo”, Co-authored, Co-author: Yuka Kanno, Global Japanese Studies Review, Volume 4. No. 1, Pp. 111-117." Decades Ahead of Us to Get it Right”, Teenagers from the Future: Essays on the Legion of Superheroes, No. 3, pp. 115-127