外国人留学生が日本で勉強するためには、在留資格を取得する必要があります。 日本国内在住者と日本国外在住者では留学ビザ取得の方法が異なるため、ご自分にあった方法を以下から選択してください。 International students who wish to study in Japan must obtain a resident status. Depending on whether you currently live in Japan or abroad, the visa application procedure differs. Please refer to the details below and follow the adequate procedure.
①日本国内在住者向け資料/ Documents for those living in Japan
在留資格「短期滞在」の方は「②日本国外在住者向け資料」をご覧ください。/ If you are living in japan with a short-stay visa, please refer to ②Documents for those living outside Japan
②日本国外在住者向け資料/ Documents for those living outside Japan
・合格発表後、明治大学に入学を決めた方は、入学手続き期限に関わらず、早急に在留資格認定証明書の申請準備を始めてください。 ・在留資格認定証明書の交付審査には約2-3か月の期間を要します。書類がそろい次第、速やかに提出してください。 ・Please prepare all required documents, and submit them as soon as you decide to enter Meiji University. ・It normally takes about two to three months to receive the result of your CoE application.
If you need a Letter of Acceptance to extend your period of stay, please check the following documents and contact the school office you are going to enter. For those who are going to enter graduate or professional graduate school, please contact the Graduate School.