Go Forward


琴ゼミ生のアート作品の学内展示「How is it going ?」と「教養講座B作品展」を明治大学中野キャンパスで開催

明治大学 国際日本学部

国際日本学部 琴ゼミでは、学生たちのクリエイティビティーを発揮して分かち合うために、学内展示を定期的に開催しています。英語で行われるゼミなので、半分以上は留学生というインターナショナルな環境で授業を行っています。展示される作品も、現代の社会を反映する国際色豊かな力強い作品が集まっています。



日程:12/8 (Thu) - 23 (Fri)
時間:9 AM 〜 7 PM

- アトリウム
- ジョーブース

【演習3年「How is it going ?」展示コンセプト】

この展示を通して、アーティストたちの視座に立ち、その幸福や痛みに共感していただけることを願います。もしもあなたが「他者化」され追い詰められたなら、私たちの声が心に響きますように。不合理にも合理にも、痛みにも喜びにも囲まれた、それがおそらく人生でしょう。この展示をさまようモノローグのように。これは、あなたへの問いかけです。 “How is it going ?"

This is a set of art works made in an era of authoritative sneer. The different things that everyone experienced are internalized, and different feelings are poured out through the images. There is the endurance and digestion of suffering by tormented individuals; there is the shout of survivors in troubled time who are suffered from survival guilt after experiencing chaos; there is the self-protection of taking courage to combat the judgmental eyes around. These feelings become monologues that wanders through different works.
We've always been told that “you have to get used to it.” So the inner feelings are always gathering and slowly scattering. But these unspoken inner monologues quietly accumulate and slowly turn into the questioning and doubting of the world. We take this opportunity to ask questions to reality. Each work is the questioning of the world after experiencing different feelings of powerlessness. Would our seemingly feeble combats become your power?
We believe that powerlessness is something we all experience, we hope that along with the pains and misfortunes, and through asking questions about the world again and again, each of us can create our own new answers to life. When we ourselves answer our own questions about this society and the world, our answers to life are no longer given by others, but are truly our own life, and become an expression of a “complete me”.
Through this exhibition, we hope you will be able to reach out to our viewpoints, empathize with our happiness and pain. If you also happen to be standing in the predicament of being “othered”, I hope our voice will resonate with you. To be in the midst of all the unreasonable but reasonable, having the joy but also the pain, this is probably life. Just like all the different monologues in this exhibition. Here we would also like to ask you “how is it going?”

コンセプト 文責:Inseo Choi (チェ インソ)、Xirui Nie (ニ シルイ)、小野寺 千紘、宣 有洪 (ソン ユホン)
ポスター:Inseo Choi (チェ インソ)

ラーニングラウンジの横、ショーブースでは演習3年生 及川環さんと潮平知彩さんの個展が開催されております。

以下は、個展「Unusual, As usual」を開催した国際日本学部3年生及川環さんの感想です。

今回個展を開く機会をいただいて、誰かに見られることで完成するアートについて考えることが出来ました。私は作品を作る時に、解釈の大部分を見る人に委ねることができるように意識しています。設置したオピニオンボックスには、想像以上にたくさんの方が感じたことを自由に書いてくれ、温かい感想を沢山頂きました。その人の中で自由な解釈が生まれた時、初めてその作品が完成するのだと思います。見る人によって意味が変わる、大切な誰かを思い出す、こうであったらいいのにと願う、そうやって誰かの気持ちが少し動くような、自由な作品を今後も作っていきたいと感じました。(国際日本学部3年 及川環)

ラーニングラウンジのショーブースで開催されている潮平知彩さんの個展《WAS HERE》 は12月15日から、来年の1月13日まで開催する予定です。


初めは自分が撮影した写真を多くの人に見せることに抵抗がありましたが、様々なアーティストやゼミのメンバーの作品を見て、自分の考えを作品にして表現し、多くの人と共有したいと思うようになりました。私は美大にも専門学校にも行ったことがありません。そんな自分にどんな作品が作れるのか、どんな展示方法が良いのかを考えて展示しました。私の写真に少しでも共感していただけるところがあれば嬉しいです。(国際日本学部3年 潮平知彩)

ウクライナからの留学生Alina Spitsynaの映像作品は《Survivor's Guilt》というタイトルで、とても切実な状況が伝わってくる作品です。アリーナさんはマリウポリから明治大学に留学に来ています。


Firstly, I thought I would participate in the exhibition as a curator. Still, I noticed how many feelings I had to express such as homesickness, guilt, anger, and isolation, so I thought it would be better if I tried to make a video work expressing everything that I felt since I left Ukraine. I started artwork right in early October and made a list of materials I would like to experiment with during the process. I did not expect encouraging words from Professor Soni and my classmates because it was my first time showing my personal artwork to other people in person, and presenting the concept, but it was not as scary as I thought it would be.
I feel relieved after opening up the exhibition with my friends, I guess it is because traumatic events actually make a lot of people close up in themselves & it is scary to talk about wounds. Spending weeks in anxiety, worrying for my friends and family in Ukraine I felt like I should make something useful even if I am far away. I wanted to raise awareness not only regarding the story of my hometown but the psychological process of survivors. These 3 months were hard enough but by making the artwork, engaging with my classmates and Professor Soni I felt like it changed me, it made me feel safe and happy. I treated this exhibition as an important responsibility and a big opportunity to open up & share my experience. (政治経済学部 Alina Spitsyna)

同じモニターでは、上海からの留学生のJiawei Xueさんの《Making Tea for Strangers》というユニークな作品が展示されています。

新宿駅という何百万人もの人が行き交う場所で、お茶を入れるということは、とても新鮮な体験でした。すべてが未知の世界であり、お茶を入れる過程で事故が起こるかもしれない。でも、後悔だけはしたくなかったので、「若いんだから大丈夫」と自分に言い聞かせていました。その過程で、周囲とは違う文脈の中で作られたものであっても この社会で「何が起こっているのか」を観察者として明確に見ることができるようになりました。

From my perspective, it was a brand new experience as I participated in the exhibition and had the chance to see my artwork presented in public. It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to work with our classmates and participate in the process of planning and preparing for the exhibition. One of the most impressive parts about the exhibition and our seminar class was that we were able to share our creative ideas and receive comments from our classmates and professor; their advice inspired me a lot and aided me a lot of help. In addition, I also got a chance to see the reactions and receive feedback from my audiences directly. I was very anxious, worrying if there were to be any negative comments, but then I realized that it would be a valuable way for me to understand how my work could be improved in the future.
For my project, I decided to make tea for strangers near Shinjuku Station. This time, I would like to focus on connecting myself with society. The idea came up when reflecting on my life after three months that I have lived in Japan. Based on my observation in Japan, everyone was so busy and didn’t have enough time to rest, many of them even slept on subway trains while standing. To compare with the situation, I chose to use “TEA” as a medium to see if I could make anyone stop and enjoy their life for a moment.
Making tea in such a crowded place near Shinjuku station where millions of people pass by was a novel experience. Everything is unknown and accidents may happen during the process of making tea. But, I didn’t want myself to be regretful. So, I told myself that I had no concerns since I am young. During the process, even though I was built out of context, out of the surroundings. The situation led me to see clearly on “what is going on” in this society as a bystander.
Finally, I appreciate that our seminar could provide this opportunity for me to do this project and tell what I am thinking. (国際日本学部3年 Jiawei Xue)
