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<2023年度春学期> 琴ゼミ生のアート作品の学内展示「RELATIONSHIPS」、「0101」を明治大学中野キャンパスで開催 

明治大学 国際日本学部

国際日本学部 琴ゼミでは、各学期末に学内展示を開催しています。今学期(2023年度春学期)からは交換留学生の受け入れと対面授業が本格的に始まり、キャンパスに本来の活気と賑やかさが戻ってきています。琴ゼミにも多くの留学生と交換留学生が新規で入室し、英語でのディスカッションがより活発にできるようになったことがとても嬉しかったです。



日程:7/6 (Thu) - 21 (Fri)
時間:9 AM 〜 7 PM


- アトリウム
- ジョーブース



コンセプト 文責:Penelope Nichols (ペネロペ・ニコルズ) 
翻訳:山崎 真羽
ポスター:Kakyeong Kim(キム カキョン)



The core of all artwork is an exploration of relationships. The human condition exists as a network of interpersonal connections and- more broadly-relationships with things, abstract ideas, and the self. Self-expression by way of artistic creation is one of the main ways we reach catharsis with this complex web of ever-evolving connections. There are many ways to break down these big ideas into smaller, more easily analyzable pieces, but for the purposes of introducing this exhibit, we are going to focus on three key concepts regarding the exploration of relationships in the artwork.
The first of these, the foundation of any piece of art, is the relationship between artwork and artist. The ideas of the author shape the form the work will take at its completion. The relationship the author has with these ideas is ultimately what brings every piece of artwork into existence. In this exhibition, many artists from different cultural backgrounds, lifestyles, and beliefs all share their varied ideas in the same space. Viewing these pieces is like looking through a small lens, getting a glimpse of who these artists are, how they live, and what they care about.
In addition, viewing these works will tell you a lot about yourself. The second key relationship is the one between audience member and artwork. While the artist decides the form of an artwork, what the audience gets out of the piece is determined only by how they consider it. The way you, the viewer, will see these pieces and interpret their value is revealing, and an incredibly interesting, albeit often overlooked, part of the experience. I encourage you to take some time to consider your own relationship with the pieces you see in this exhibition while you walk through. In what ways are you able to interact with the work?
The final, most literal, depiction of relationships in the artworks you will see today is that of their subject matter. The artists featured here have explored relationships of all kinds: relationships with family, self, culture, and community. They’ve depicted joyful relationships, loving, as well as taxing, and harmful. This exhibition is a celebration of the positive relationships we’ve lived as well as a critique of less positive ones we struggle with.
Finally, we invite you to come explore the wide variety of relationships on display here. Consider the different relationships you’re able to see in these pieces. Make an effort to try and find relationships hiding in these works that you might not have noticed at first glance. And, perhaps most importantly, think about the kind of relationship that you would like to have with the art that you experience here.

以下は、今回の演習3年生の展示「RELATIONSHIPS」のキュレーション に携わったキュレーターのお二人の感想です。

演習3年 山崎 真羽さん


演習3年  石川莉桜菜さん


ラーニングラウンジの横、ショーブースでは演習4年生Chenyi Kong (コウ セイギ)さんの個展が開催されております。

国際日本学部4年生Chenyi Kong (コウ セイギ)さん


The main and only topic of the works is my cat, Maomao. The notion of the collection was to capture the moment. It occurred to me that cats only live for about 15 years, a much shorter life expectancy than humans. I wanted to have something to remember him by, so I decided to pick up the brushes. So to speak, the initial purpose was to purely commemorate, with no further agenda. However, as the work proceeded, it dawned on me that I may have more things to say.Pets are extreme responsibilities, you are to take care of your pets for 15 years non-stop, that is what it takes to enjoy the company of a pet. It seems that there are people notrealizing this simple logic. Seeing people around me getting pets because they are bored during the Covid lockdown, and later getting rid of them as they go back to normal busy life devastates me a lot. So, I guess maybe there is one agenda in the collection — to learn the life-long responsibility of being a pet owner.



All of the paintings were drawn digitally on iPad. That was the biggest challenge I was facing through the process. As technology develops, everything is being digitalized. I wanted to live up to that hype, therefore, I tried drawing without brushes and canvas for the very first time. I was going for an oil painting effect, and as I was fleshing out, I realized that although the tools and media change, at the end of the day, the nature of oil painting stays constant —stacking colors on top of each other to create highlights, shadows, and layers. I have always found the turning and changing of the world dreadful, technology revolution can be overwhelming to ordinary people like us despite it could change the world. You might always over-complicate technology-related stuff, worrying about not being able to wield it to the most. You might find technology novel, getting heady or lost in the ocean of ones and zeroes. I have a message for the former type of friend. If you are technology-challenged, take your time, to adjust, to learn, no need to rush or push yourself at all. It is okay to do things at your own pace, you’ll cross that bridge when you come to it.


4年生のYawen Chenさん、Jiawei Xueさん、Xirui Nie さん、Chenyi KongさんはコラボレーションによるAIに関する作品「0101」を制作しました。AIが私たちに及ぼす影響、そしてその未来、危機感についての体験型映像作品が展示されています。



"1010" explores the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) in our rapidly evolving technological world. From the basic binary code "1010" used in computer language to the present day, numerous artificial intelligence products are flourishing.
In the era of rapid development of AI, how can we, as humans, coexist harmoniously with these technologies? This video artwork aims to provoke reflection and prompt viewers to contemplate the impact of AI on our lives. While we enjoy the convenience that AI brings, it is essential to reflect on its pros and cons. Even though AI may currently surpass us in certain areas such as information organization and productivity, we should not become complacent. Instead, we should strive to improve ourselves, aiming to be the operators of AI rather than being controlled by it. The artwork encourages viewers to learn how to use and command AI to increase personal productivity, emphasizing the importance of not allowing ourselves to be consumed or left behind in this era of collaboration between humans and AI. The video includes typing sound and visual of human operating the AI, symbolizing the control over the future still in human hands. It serves as a reminder that if we are willing to embrace the responsibility and continuously develop ourselves, the future will remain within our grasp.
We invite you to sit in front of the big screen, where your shadow will be projected onto the screen. In this simulation, you will immerse yourself in this era closely connected with AI. Through the introspective narrative and contemplative approach, while watching "1010", we encourage you to consider the ever-evolving relationship between humans and AI and hope that you may find your position in this dynamic age with AI.
