デュプリス・ジョン Duplice John

デュプリス・ジョン Duplice John
職格 特任准教授
研究業績等 教員データベース
専攻分野(研究分野) Learning Sciences, Writing Anxiety and Motivation


Learning Sciences, Writing Anxiety and Motivation


Global Issues, Academic Reading, Academic Writing, Study Skills

講義概要をさらに詳しく見る(Oh-o!Meiji System)



Being willing to challenge oneself and make mistakes is a key trait in learning a foreign language.


[1] Duplice, J. (2022) A Touch of Difficulty to Promote Reflection in Writing. California English Journal, Vol. 28 Issue 1 (pp. 26-28).
[2] Duplice, J. (2022) The GoldList Notebook Method: A Study on L2 Vocabulary Learning. IAFOR Journal of Education: Volume 10-Issue -1 - Language Learning in Education pp. 91-108.
[3] Duplice, J. (2021) Looking Back: Write Slower to Write Deeper. MindBrainEd Think Tank: Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG. Vol. 7 (6) pp. 44-50.
[4] Duplice, J., Tyndall, R., & Yokomoto, K. (2021) Creating an English Academic Writing Guide at a Japanese University. Lingua. 32(1) pp.157-165.
[5] Duplice, J. (2021) Pilot Study on Promoting Community in the Online Classroom with Books in Common. Lingua. 31(1) pp.157-165. (Peer-reviewed)
[6] Duplice, J. (2020) Are Desirable Difficulties and Cognitive Load Theory in Conflict? Mind Brain Ed Journal. 2(1). 33-45. (Peer-reviewed)
[7] Duplice, J. (2019) Writing & Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation Among English Language Learners in Japan. Lingua. 29(3). 3-19. (Peer-reviewed)
[8] Campbell, J. & Duplice, J. (2018) OneNote Class Notebook for Teachers at Multiple Universities in Japan. 英語教育研究所紀要(C.E.L.E. Journal) Vol 26(1) pp. 30-36. (Peer-reviewed) (Cited by 2)
[9] Duplice, J. (2017). Attention Residue: an inquiry into attention carryover from one task to the next in university students. Center for English Language in Education (C.E.L.E.) Journal. 25(1) pp. 215-228. (Peer-reviewed)
[10] Duplice, J. (2017). An Interview with Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa. The Language Teacher. 41(1) pp. 20-22.