[1] Duplice, J. (2022) A Touch of Difficulty to Promote Reflection in Writing. California English Journal, Vol. 28 Issue 1 (pp. 26-28).
[2] Duplice, J. (2022) The GoldList Notebook Method: A Study on L2 Vocabulary Learning. IAFOR Journal of Education: Volume 10-Issue -1 - Language Learning in Education pp. 91-108.
[3] Duplice, J. (2021) Looking Back: Write Slower to Write Deeper. MindBrainEd Think Tank: Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG. Vol. 7 (6) pp. 44-50.
[4] Duplice, J., Tyndall, R., & Yokomoto, K. (2021) Creating an English Academic Writing Guide at a Japanese University. Lingua. 32(1) pp.157-165.
[5] Duplice, J. (2021) Pilot Study on Promoting Community in the Online Classroom with Books in Common. Lingua. 31(1) pp.157-165. (Peer-reviewed)
[6] Duplice, J. (2020) Are Desirable Difficulties and Cognitive Load Theory in Conflict? Mind Brain Ed Journal. 2(1). 33-45. (Peer-reviewed)
[7] Duplice, J. (2019) Writing & Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation Among English Language Learners in Japan. Lingua. 29(3). 3-19. (Peer-reviewed)
[8] Campbell, J. & Duplice, J. (2018) OneNote Class Notebook for Teachers at Multiple Universities in Japan. 英語教育研究所紀要(C.E.L.E. Journal) Vol 26(1) pp. 30-36. (Peer-reviewed) (Cited by 2)
[9] Duplice, J. (2017). Attention Residue: an inquiry into attention carryover from one task to the next in university students. Center for English Language in Education (C.E.L.E.) Journal. 25(1) pp. 215-228. (Peer-reviewed)
[10] Duplice, J. (2017). An Interview with Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa. The Language Teacher. 41(1) pp. 20-22.