Go Forward



明治大学 理工学部


【日時】:2012年5月28日(月)19:00 - 21:00

【場所】:明治大学駿河台キャンパス リバティタワー16階 1163教室


【タイトル】:知識経済のための都市デザインと革新(City Design and Urban Innovation for the Knowledge Economy)

 Global cities are going through a period of accelerating economic, environmental and social transformation.  What is the impact of these transformations on city design? 
 The Modernist city design models and practices that have become international standards fit the requirements of 20th Century industrial economies well, but are now increasingly undermined by forces of change acting on global cities everywhere.  
 Does the Modernist City Model still fit the needs of our emergent knowledge and innovation-driven global economy?  
 Is there any relationship between best practices for sustainable cities and for creative cities?  
 How can city design paradigms and practices be adjusted to fit the emerging requirements for sustainability or prosperity?



【問合せ先】:明治大学理工学部建築学科 建築・アーバンデザイン研究室 准教授
        佐々木宏幸 hirosas@meiji.ac.jp