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理工学部間・理工学研究科間協定留学/School of Science and Technology Student Exchange Program

This website provides detailed information about student exchange program for Meiji University School of Science and Technology (SST) students who wish to study as an exchange student in our partner university and also for incoming students from SST's partner universities.

理工学部・理工学研究科間 協定校一覧 / List of SST's Partner Universities

協定留学(派遣) / Outbound Student Exchange

学内公募について/Internal Selection


“Student Exchange Program” is a study abroad program held at the partner institutions of Meiji University with student exchange agreements. School of Science and Technology (SST) has its own partner institutions overseas, where only SST students can study in languages such as English, Chinese, German, French etc. To participate in this student exchange program, SST students are required to apply for the internal selection and to be nominated by SST to a partner university. Students need to read carefully the following information about how to apply for the internal selection, and also refer to “Admission Details” for each partner institution’s requirements.

募集要項・出願書類(派遣) / Application Guidelines and Forms for Outbound Student Exchange

Information for 2024 exchange program has been updated. (16 Oct. 2023)

(1) 募集要項/Application Guideline  和文 English
(2) 協定留学出願条件等一覧/Admission Details (Criteria)
(3) 志願書/Application Form PDF版
(4) 誓約書/Program Agreement 和文 English
(5) 学歴書/Educational Background Information Sheet(外国人留学生のみ/International students only)

留学経費の助成制度 / Study Abroad Encouragement Subsidy

報告書 / Student Report

The information written on the report is just for your reference. Please be sure to accuire the latest information. There is no stuent report for the university where no exchange student has been.

・パリ・カトリック大学パリ電子工学院 / Institut Catholique de Paris Institut Supérieur d’Electronique de Paris
 留学期間2021年9月~2022年2月 / Exchange Period: Sep. 2021 to Feb. 2022

・シンガポール国立大学/National University of Singapore
 留学期間2023年8月~2023年12月 / Exchange Period: Aug. 2023 to Dec. 2023
 留学期間2023年8月~2023年11月 / Exchange Period: Aug. 2023 to Nov. 2023
 留学期間2022年7月~2023年4月 / Exchange Period: Jul. 2022 to Apr. 2023
 留学期間2022年1月~2022年12月 / Exchange Period: Jan. 2022 to Dec. 2022
 留学期間2019年8月~2020年5月 / Exchange Period: Aug. 2019 to May. 2020
 留学期間2017年8月~2018年5月 / Exchange Period: Aug. 2017 to May. 2018
 留学期間2015年8月~2015年11月 / Exchange Period: Aug. 2015 to Nov. 2015
 留学期間2015年8月~2015年11月 / Exchange Period: Aug. 2015 to Nov. 2015
 留学期間2014年8月~2015年4月 / Exchange Period: Aug. 2014 to Apr. 2015

・オレゴン大学 / University of Oregon
 留学期間2016年9月~2016年12月/  Exchange Period: Sep. 2016 to Dec. 2016
 留学期間2015年9月~2015年12月 / Exchange Period: Sep. 2015 to Dec. 2015

・パリ国立建築大学ラヴィレット校 / Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris ‐ La Villette
 留学期間2019年9月~2020年3月 / Exchange Period: Sep. 2019 to Mar. 2020
 留学期間2018年9月~2019年9月 / Exchange Period: Sep. 2018 to Sep. 2019
 留学期間2017年9月~2018年7月 / Exchange Period: Sep. 2017 to Jul. 2018
 留学期間2015年8月~2016年2月 / Exchange Period: Aug. 2015 to Feb. 2016
 留学期間2015年8月~2016年2月 / Exchange Period: Aug. 2015 to Feb. 2016

協定留学(受入) / Inbound Student Exchange


Students from SST's partner universities can apply for the exchange program through their home universities. Please consult the international office in your home university to confirm the application procedures and deadlines (note that application deadline in your home university is earlier than the application to Meiji University.) If you are not from SST's partner universities but from the university-wide partner institutions, please confirm the International Student Office of Meiji University for details of the application procedures. 

募集要項・出願書類(受入) / Application Guidelines and Forms for Inbound Student Exchange


The below uploaded application forms are for inbound exchange students who wish to study at the School of Science and Technology for Academic Year 2025. Application must be made through the home institution and no personal application can be accepted. 
